Specializing in forest road construction, culvert installation, road surface maintenance, and roadside brush control for timberland management.

Road Maintenance

With more than 50 years of experience in developing and maintaining forest access roads for timberland management, Siegmund Excavation and Construction offers expertise in forest road construction, culvert installation, road surface maintenance, and roadside brush control.

We can offer guidance to landowners on how to address the growing demands of the Oregon Forest Practices. This includes addressing concerns related to managing and reducing turbidity from roadside ditch water runoff, strategically placing roads while considering soil stability, type, and grade, and ensuring the correct installation of fish passage structures like culverts or bridges.

Our capabilities include:

  • Road Placement

  • Road Building

  • Road Grading

  • Rock Hauling

  • Culvert Placement

  • Road Brusher

  • Back Hoe